Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hey girls! I'm so excited you guys thought of the blog! I have not done one thing in my classroom. They haven't even told me when I'm supposed to be there! Is that bad? Now I'm nervous!


Jamie K. said...

Hey Lauren! Haha, You might want to find out when you can start doing stuff for your classroom. When does your school start? Are you in a traditional school? Mine doesn't start until Sept. 2nd....

Erin Black said...

Hey, Lauren, if you are still in Murray, we have new teacher meetings on August 14th and 15th. The next week is "teacher week", where we have meetings all that week, i think-- like we did in longview. Then for every grade but Kindergarten school starts that week after... I believe the
25th. What I did was get a hold of my principal, and she gave me a key to the school to get in and prepare before then. Good Luck!

A. Burge said...

Hi Lauren,

I agree, you need to call your principal. I had to call mine and then I had my keys the next day. I guess they just don't think to call us or something. You still have time to get things set up. Don't stress!!