Thursday, August 28, 2008

lots to say!!!

Okay Ladies here is a list of what's in my head... Who can tell me the sheep in the jeep web site... remember the one where there was a sheep and a ship, and stuff?
Guess what else-- Back to school night was last night for us... Not one of my students came to my classroom. Serious.
Also, kindergarten teachers... will you list some of your favorite websites you use?
OH, I thought you should all know... TRISH JUST CAME OUT WITH ANOTHER BOOK OF CENTER IDEAS! It looks like it has a lot more fun ideas, and it's in the same format as the other book.


Carly said...

Unfortunately, I cannot remember the web site but I remember when we talked about it in class. I know that is no help, but I have been racking my brain, and nothing.... Anyway, I am surprised that no one showed up to your back to school night! I would have thought that you would have had lots of parents- especially with you being a new teacher to the school and there are always parents with their first in Kindergarten.
I am glad that you told me about Trish's new book. I had no idea, but I am definitely interested!

Lauren Bigelow said...

Hey, Erin I was also wondering about the sheep and ship thing. I found all the sheep books for a bargain and bought all of them and now I can't remember what to do with it! Don't feel too bad I only had 6 come to back to school night and I only had four parents sign up to help in class.

A. Burge said...

The website is from byu just go to and then click on the education department and you should be able to find it. I'll look in a minute and get the exact address but that should point you in the right direction:)

Jamie K. said...

That is crazy Erin, sorry about back to school night, that is totally weird. I wonder if the parents just didnt know about it. Mine was cool, I meet all but one student but that is probably because everyone is so excited that it is a new school and all.

Check out my website for fun online games for you class to do. its and on the left click on our favorite websites. I am sure there are a few that could be on a kindergarten level, and some that are on first grade level for your higher students. Good luck girl! I miss everyone!