Friday, September 19, 2008

a moment to VENT!

so.... of course as you all know i got a job at twin peaks elementary. amazing school, amazing staff, amazing everything.... OH... UNTIL GRANITE SURPLUSSED ME TO FREAKING REDWOOD ELEMENTARY.

can i please just say if i WANTED to teach there, i would have INTERVIEWED IN THE FIRST PLACE. ohh... about my amazing school...not so much anymore. and oh... yah.. ask me about my RELOCATABLE THAT I SHARE WITH A LADY WHO HAS ALL HER STUFF EVERYWHERE. (think REALLY messy person in a REALLY small place)

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PISSED OFF and SO UPSET. i have literally spent all day sobbing because i had TODAY to tear down my classroom (mind you that i spent HOURS AND HUNDREDS of dollars on) to put it all in storage (because remember... think relocatable with stuff everywhere) and start on monday.

upset doesnt begin to cover how i feel.
so...any advice ladies on how to get out of this funk. and yes, i DO know that i am being a brat... but put yourself in my shoes... i had an amazing job with an amazing class and after three weeks i have been pulled and TOLD where to go, this was not my choice. my life was build around TP. my sons daycare was 5 blocks away. and no... daycare in WV in NOT an option.

sorry... i just REALLY had to let it out.


Carly said...

Yikes! I am so sorry to hear that. That is a big change! Life is hectic enough the first year without changes like that. Hang in there and let us know how it goes.

Sam, Julie, Tucker & Maizie said...

sorry Kris!! I don't even know what to say other than, what a BUMMER!! I hope everything works out okay, maybe you'll like you new school even better?! Let us know...! Sorry dude :(

Lisa J said...

Ouch! Did you sign an open contract? Is that how they can do that to you? I'm so sorry!!! I didn't even know that could happen!! Lisa

Jamie K. said...

That is insane! I can't believe they would do that to you. Is that even an option for them to do to you without your consent? Thats really messed up!