Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sheep in a Jeep

Ok, I found the website for the sheep activities.

I hope that helps someone!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

lots to say!!!

Okay Ladies here is a list of what's in my head... Who can tell me the sheep in the jeep web site... remember the one where there was a sheep and a ship, and stuff?
Guess what else-- Back to school night was last night for us... Not one of my students came to my classroom. Serious.
Also, kindergarten teachers... will you list some of your favorite websites you use?
OH, I thought you should all know... TRISH JUST CAME OUT WITH ANOTHER BOOK OF CENTER IDEAS! It looks like it has a lot more fun ideas, and it's in the same format as the other book.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hi Everyone

Back to School Night Donation Request Coconuts

Lunch Count

Outside Classroom Bulletion Board



I posted some pic's of my classroom. We call it our Island of Learning. I'm dying to see everybody else's classrooms. Hope everyone is having fun! Some of us unlucky girls are starting back to the U next week, are you ready for that? I am definately not!!! Lisa

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hey ladies...

just an FYI i made my blog private so send your emails so i can allow you to look at it...if ya want!:)
hope everyone is doing great!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hope all you ladies are ready to start teaching if you havent started yet.... (i am definitely starting to get the butterflies!!) hope everyone is doing great!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

My School

So, I can get in my school offically today! Its about freaking time! We are going camping tonight though so I wont head over until Monday. We can't start putting stuff up until Tuesday or Wednesday though because the construction workers are still there doing a few things. Its frustrating because I am going to have to get everything up and running in about two weeks, hopefully I will be able to do it. The kids don't start until the day after labor day which is nice, Sept 2nd. I am SO excited and I cant wait to start getting my room set up!

Here is a sketch of what our building looks like, I will take more pictures monday so you all can see them!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

schools almost here... or already for some:)


So Brandi and I were chatting and we were thinking it would be nice for us to all get together for lunch on Sunday the 17th to just kinda relax and chat before a crazy hectic week. As of time and place that is TBD.... and if anyone has any place they want to go throw it out there. Hope everyone is doing great!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hey Ladies....

So I have already been to Brandi's classroom where she has some of the CUTEST bulletin boards/ideas. Kind of a lame excuse but I have been so centered on the new boy I seriously have not sat down to even start thinking of bulletin my guess is your girls will have thought of some that I didnt, or others didnt so I was wondering if everyone would post some ideas of what their back to school bulletin boards look like!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Listening Center

Hey Girls,
I really wanted a listening center in my classroom so I bought one online from a place called classroom direct. They have really good prices. Well, come to find out my school purchased one for me. So I am wondering if anyone wants to buy a listening center. It's all band new still in the packaging. I have 6 headphones and a jack that you can plug the headphones into and then you plug that into a CD player or tape player of your own. I'm selling the whole thing for $20.00. I paid about $23.50. If anyone is interested let me know. My phone number is 801-660-5450 or you can email me at I live in Midvale and it's really close to the freeway and easy to find. Thanks guys!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hi from New Jersey

Hi to all. Thanks, Jamie, for inviting me to your blog. I have been teaching first grade for 14 years (one of those was in 2nd gr). If anyone has a question, I will try to help.
Enjoy the time you have left! We got out late in June so we don't start again until Sept.

Marci McGowan

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is Julie...thanks Jamie for making this blog! It's been fun to read what everyone is up to, and it'll be great to keep in touch! Las Vegas is HOT!!! It's good though, I'm tutoring at Sylvan, so I still get to see kids a lot. We're having a boy!! And he gets here in 3 months, so we're so excited! He kicks all the time, it's super fun :) I can't believe how soon the school year starts! I'm excited to hear about everyone's first couple of days! How fun to meet your students! I'm going to miss teaching, but I'm really excited to be a mom. I'll have to come visit your classrooms when we're in town next. I hope everyone is having a fun summer. (You deserve it, before the stress of the year starts..!) xoxoxoxo

Almost Done

Hi Girlies!
My class finally looks like a class. It took me all summer but I am very pleased with the outcome. I am going back in tomorrow to finish up and then I am all set. Yesterday Brandi and I got our Back-To-School Night all figured out since both of ours is before school starts. As for the first couple of weeks, I am getting there but not finished yet.

I will take some pics tomorrow and upload them on here.
Hope all is well! Good luck!
Sash : )

Back to School....Awesome Website

Ok, everyone needs to check out this website: This lady is a first grade teacher in NJ and she has some awesome resources on her page for both the parents of her students and for us teachers. I stole a bunch of links off of her website for my website. She is awesome and it is a great resource to have other teachers out there who can help us out!! She also has a bunch of stuff she does for back to school on her page. play around on her page, you will be impressed!

Lesson Planning

I know some people have already started but has anyone started doing any lesson planning for the first day? Maybe we could share what we are doing for the first few days of school. My students will only have a half day and I will be doing individual assessments by appointment the rest of the day - for the first week! So, I only have to plan half days for the first week. Anyone have any lesson plans ready? How do we share files on the blog?
I LOVE that you guys are so computer savvy and came up with this idea. I need the Blogging for Dummies book as well. I definitely have serval different emotions about starting this school year... I can't believe it is just around the corner now! I've been loving my summer... we just got back from waterskiing in Jackson Hole, WY.
I have it pretty easy because the teacher before me is leaving a ton of stuff since she plans to come back in a year. Another thing that has really helped me is to make copies of lesson plans and different ideas from other teacher friends and put them together in binders according to when they will be taught through out the year. Amy, where have you found the best deals to buy your different materials?
I'm excited to be able to keep in touch with you guys. Julie, how is Las Vegas?
Hi ladies!!! Yay I am really excited about this blog! Im not as talented as Julie and Jamie are with this blogging but I am trying to figure it out! I need Blogging for dummies or something!!:)
As you girls finish with your classrooms you should take pictures and post them so we can all see. I am SOOOOOOOOO behind. I just went and picked up my keys YESTERDAY! (aug 4) and have NOTHING.... and no idea how I am going to set up! So any ideas will help!:)

Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hey girls! I'm so excited you guys thought of the blog! I have not done one thing in my classroom. They haven't even told me when I'm supposed to be there! Is that bad? Now I'm nervous!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hey guys, Just wondering how it's been setting up your classrooms? Jamie and those with new schools, are just as stressed as I am in getting a room with nothing ready? Any tips?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hi Girls!

Hey, I thought the blog idea was great because I think we all could use some support for our first year of teaching! I'd like to share ideas too. I have most of my room set up and have been shopping like crazy trying to get everything I need - there's so much!! I will take some pictures and share them with you this week.

Hope everyone is enjoying summer - it's almost over!!