Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hey Ladies....

So I have already been to Brandi's classroom where she has some of the CUTEST bulletin boards/ideas. Kind of a lame excuse but I have been so centered on the new boy I seriously have not sat down to even start thinking of bulletin my guess is your girls will have thought of some that I didnt, or others didnt so I was wondering if everyone would post some ideas of what their back to school bulletin boards look like!


Carly said...

Great Idea! I would love to hear everyones ideas! I did a Welcome back to School title and had the children make and decorate fish. I labeled each one with their name using a small ocean creature cutout that I bought at the store and then I used construction paper to make seaweed to go at the bottom.

Lauren Bigelow said...

That is such a cute idea Carly! i love that. Good first week art project too!

Marci said...

On the first day my BB is blank except for a banner that says "First Grade Friends". Kids find their own first name banner on a big table, take to their seats and make their choices for design, color, etc. The names have been printed out in WORD using the outline format. When done they cut out and add their "name" to BB. I do this on first day so kids have something comfortable to work on (with new crayons) and I get to see who starts right away, who is pokey, off task, etc. (a formative assessment. It also is an activity that takes a little while, so I observe their interaction and make decisions on changing seats. The BB looks like kids made it. Later, the banners are laminated and used again to identify their friendship drawings (done following week). Friendship, cooperation, character traits starts off our year in Social studies. So it all fits.

Erin Black said...

Hey, what I've seen is people using fabric instead of paper for the back ground. Then you can choose a cute pattern, or a color that you may not have a choice of with the poster paper. It is the same length as a bb, and it doesn't fade like the paper does.

A. Burge said...

I've seen the fabric at my school too. One teacher uses a dark denim fabric and everything she puts on it really seems to stand out. Good idea!