Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is Julie...thanks Jamie for making this blog! It's been fun to read what everyone is up to, and it'll be great to keep in touch! Las Vegas is HOT!!! It's good though, I'm tutoring at Sylvan, so I still get to see kids a lot. We're having a boy!! And he gets here in 3 months, so we're so excited! He kicks all the time, it's super fun :) I can't believe how soon the school year starts! I'm excited to hear about everyone's first couple of days! How fun to meet your students! I'm going to miss teaching, but I'm really excited to be a mom. I'll have to come visit your classrooms when we're in town next. I hope everyone is having a fun summer. (You deserve it, before the stress of the year starts..!) xoxoxoxo

1 comment:

Jamie K. said...

Julie, I am so excited for you! You are going to have so much fun being a Mom!! You will have to come hang out at my classroom with me next time you are up here....it will be just like old times!