Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lesson Planning

I know some people have already started but has anyone started doing any lesson planning for the first day? Maybe we could share what we are doing for the first few days of school. My students will only have a half day and I will be doing individual assessments by appointment the rest of the day - for the first week! So, I only have to plan half days for the first week. Anyone have any lesson plans ready? How do we share files on the blog?


Sam, Julie, Tucker & Maizie said...

I saved all of Kathy's stuff from the first week at Daybreak. I'll go through it tomorrow and I'll tell you if I find anything cool :)

Erin Black said...

I have no Idea what i am going to be teaching, but I wonder, too, if we will be working on procedures a lot. My sister in law reads if you take a mouse to school, and does a scavenger hunt around the school, to practice getting in line and being silent in the halls, also so the children learn their way around the school.

Lauren Bigelow said...

I've been thinking about this too! What do you do on the first day? I like Erin's idea! I think I might do a self portrait activity and some name games.

Carly said...

I had a full day all week and it was tough to figure out what to do with so much time. We spent a lot of time doing things like community circle. We also taught lots of procedures. We took a tour of the school. We learned how to behave in the bathrooms, by actually going to the bathrooms and talking about it. We played the name game over and over again. They still love it. I read First Day Jitters. My students really loved that. I have second graders so they had no problem figuring out the joke at the end (that it is the teacher that has the jitters). A self portrait activity would be awesome. We ran out of time for one I had planned. We also decorated fish for a bulletin board I made saying Welcome back to school.